


亨利曼西尼像神一般的,只要一出手,任何曲子都會變得不朽。1963年電影【爸爸的微妙處境】Papa's Delicate Condition主題曲【叫我不負責任的】Call Me Irresponsible榮獲隔年的奧斯卡金像獎最佳歌曲,是首被很多藝人翻唱的洗腦歌,隨著年代不斷更迭就不斷有人接力傳唱下去,亨利曼西尼照往例也是他「專屬男女和聲」和「鋼琴樂團演奏」各一首,一魚兩吃,各有特色,都很好聽。1961年黛比雷諾的電影【原地打轉】The Second Time Around的主題曲同樣在脫離銀幕外,可是也被一堆藝人翻唱又翻唱到變成幾乎跟電影沒關係了,它變成獨立而且好聽,亨利曼西尼同樣呈現人聲與管弦兩種方式,製造了走到哪裡都是美好的旋律而且難分難解。




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 Call Me Irresponsible 

Call me irresponsible 說我不負責任 
Call me unreliable 說我不可靠 

Throw in undependable too 說我不能被依賴 

Do my foolish alibies 就當是我愚蠢的藉口 
Bother you 打擾到你 

Well I'm not too clever 好在我不太聰明 
I just adore you 我只是崇拜你 

Call me unpredictable 就說我不可預測吧 
Tell me I'm inpractical 說我有多麼不切實際 

Rainbows I'm inclined to pursue 我向於追求彩虹而已  

Call me irresponsible 說我不負責任 
Yes I'm unreliable 是的,我不可靠 

But it's undeniably true 不可否認這的確是真的 
That I'm irresponsibly mad for you 我是多麼賴皮地在為你生氣 

Go on and call me unpredictable 不斷說我不可預測  
Tell me that I'm impractical 說我是多麼不切實際 
Rainbows I'm inclined to pursue 我只會一直心向著對彩虹的追求

You go ahead call irresponsible 你繼續說我不負責任吧 
I admit I'm unreliable 我也承認我確實不靠譜 
But it is undeniably true 不可否認這都是真的 

That I'm irresponsibly mad for you 我只會不負責任地為你生氣  


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  The Second Time Around 

Love is lovelier the second time around 第二次愛上覺得更勝上回 
Just as wonderful with both feet on the ground 就像雙腳著地一樣美好 
It's that second time you hear your love song sung 這是你再次聽到你的情歌響起 
Makes you think perhaps that love, like youth, is wasted on the young 讓你覺得也許愛情就像青春一樣,都浪費在了年輕的身上 
Love's more comfortable the second time you fall 再次愛上比第一次時更覺愉快 
Like a friendly home the second time you call 就像一再打電話給友好的家 
Who can say what brought us to this miracle we've found? 誰能告訴我是什麼讓我們找到了這個我們發現的奇蹟?
There are those who'll bet love comes but once, and yet 有人打賭說愛情只會來一次,然而 
I'm oh, so glad we met the second time around 我超高興我們還能再次重逢 
Who can say what brought us to this miracle we've found? 誰能告訴我是什麼讓我們找到了這個我們發現的奇蹟?
There are those who'll bet love comes but once, and yet 人打賭說愛情只會來一次,然而 
I'm oh, so glad we met the second time around 我是如此開心我們又能再次見面了 


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Call Me Irresponsible/The Second Time Around 


    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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