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流行音樂史上創作歌曲最多、暢銷張數最多、擁有粉絲最多,以及活存壽命最長的合唱團可能非 Bee Gees 比吉斯 合唱團莫屬。小學時跟著哥哥姊姊聽西洋歌曲每周都會投10票最喜歡的歌在那個還是唱片的年代我往往都會投"Massachusetts"一票因為覺得它的前奏很像西部片騎馬的架式然後就會票選出該週的排行榜貼在牆上,國中時班上有個同學會背"Stayin' Alive"的歌詞讓我暗地佩服得五體投地連他被化學老師當場拆掉椅子用椅腳痛打沒背好化學元素表時的面無表情至今都還記得他下課唱【周末的狂熱】的驕傲真是壯志,五專時西門町電影街中華商場騎樓唱片行放的"Tragedy"我們每天放學都會經過等它最後那聲槍響而最難忘的是週三小周末午後窩在泰山死黨家聊天聽"What Kind of Fool"伴著遠方泰山高中傳來的鐘聲讓那些美好記憶永遠停格,三十歲時在苗栗教書有個周末在竹南等客運回台北擁擠的車站電視播映著"You Win Again"我不禁快樂地哼了起來那時才剛踏入社會離鄉背井正開始往後我並不知道原來是那麼冰冷獨自的現實人生 ......,可以這樣說,我沒來得及跟上披頭四的風潮,卻非常幸運和比吉斯的光輝歲月整個重疊近乎同步形如膠漆熟到不行。不管是早期的"Run to Me""In The Morning"到蛻變期的"Baby as You Turn Away""How Can You Mend a Broken Heart"到中期開始使用假音的"Love so Right"到引領整個迪斯可流行風潮的"Emotion""Night Fever"到中晚期幫別的藝人再度發光發熱的"Islands in The Stream""Heartbreaker"和"Gulity"......,數不清比吉斯好像從沒遇到瓶頸的冠軍歌曲,而其中我最最喜歡也是輿論最沒被得到該有足夠認可的"Love You Inside Out"實在是因為它有種包含了搖滾樂的韻律、迪斯可的氣質、節奏藍調的內裡的魔力,不論何時何地都能因為聽到它開場那段假音耍玩而精神一振,覺得他們三兄弟就像活生生在我們身邊一樣,又抒情又熱血地引誘我們站起來扭動身體放開心胸靠近伴侶走進人群永遠記得要放開一下自己不管遇到什麼困難,我常想如果真有「時間膠囊」這玩意兒的話,"Love You Inside Out"一定有資格被載往未來埋藏,數百數千年後被人再度聆聽而同樣莫名想大扭特扭 Disco 起來......好聽★★★★★  

DJ    ★MTV    ★Memories    ★Lyrics    ★Echo     ★Feist     ★MTV  

Karaoke   ★MTV    ★Re-Edit    ★MTV   ★Legs & Co   ★Dancing  


Baby, I can't figure it out
Your kisses taste like honey
Sweet lies don't gimme no rise
Oh, oh what you're trying to do?

Livin' on your cheatin'
and the pain grows inside me
It's enough to leave me crying in the rain
Love you forever but you're
driving me insane
and I'm hanging on
Oh, oh, I'll win, I'll never give in

Our love has got the power
Too many lovers in one lifetime
ain't good for you
You treat me like a vision in the night
Someone there to stand behind you
When your world ain't working right

I ain't no vision, I am the man
who loves you inside out
backwards and forwards with
my heart hanging out
I love no other way

What am I gonna do if we lose that fire?
Wrap myself up and take me home again
Too many heartaches in one
lifetime ain't good for me
I figure it's the love that keeps you warm

Let this moment be forever
we won't ever feel the storm
I ain't no vision, I am the man
who loves you inside out
backwards and forwards with
my heart hanging out

I love no other way
What am I gonna do if we lose that fire?
Don't try to tell me it's all over
I can't hear a word I can't hear a line
No man could love you more
And that's what I'm cryin' for
You can't change the way I feel inside

You're the reason for my laughter and my sorrow
Blow out the candle I will burn again tomorrow
No man on earth can stand
between my love and I
And no matter how you hurt me
I will love you till I die

I ain't no vision, I am the man
who loves you inside out
backwards and forwards with
my heart hanging out
I love no other way
What am I gonna do if we lose that fire?  









Too Much Heaven     ★Secret Love     ★Stayin' Alive    ★How Deep is Your Love   ★Night Fever 

You Should be Dancing    ★You Win Again    ★Alone    ★More Than a Woman    ★Night Fever 

Immortality     ★Immortality1997 Live    ★Grease1997 Live     

100 Top Bee Gees      ★Bee Gees Greatest Hits Full Album  

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Bee Gees (1960~2016)

    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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