我從小心中的女神桃樂絲黛最好聽的一首歌真的不知該怎麼形容它的動人,明明就是那麼簡單緩慢好像沒有節奏似的但又其實飽滿又曼妙,只聽到桃樂絲黛用她那種並不屬於滄桑的沙啞和帶著世故但體貼的慵懶腔調像是述說一個深藏的往事悠悠緩緩唱出每一個觸及到聽眾靈魂的音符,那種聆聽時馬上能進入的真空狀態真的前無古人後無來者,原因就出在她沒有太依賴配樂根本完全清唱帶領整個旋律像是面對面地唱給你聽給你整個情境讓你掉入整個氛圍無法暫停,明明就是一首骨董到不行的情歌卻是已達到殿堂等級的魂牽夢縈 ......好聽★★★★★
★Doris Day ★Doris Day ★Rosemary Squires ★Nat King Cole
★Vic Damone ★Etta James ★Erroll Garner
Again, this couldn't happen again
This is that once in a lifetime
This is the thrill divine
What's more, this never happened before
Though I have prayed for a lifetime
That such as you would suddenly be mine
Mine to hold as I'm holding you now and yet never so near
Mine to have when the now and the here disappear
What matters, dear, for when
This doesn't happen again
We'll have this moment forever
But never, never, again
We'll have this moment forever
But never, never, again
一小時版本★Doris Day ★1948電影 Road House 【深夜的歌聲】 電影原聲帶