別說沒有聽過這首「橄欖項鍊」,它在我們身邊到處聽得見已經超過半個世紀了,只是因為法國指揮大師波爾瑪麗亞幾乎把世界各地的名曲都重新演繹過一遍無一倖免,所以我們都輕忽地讓它們變得很普通,其實每一首都有來源、都有故事、都有背景、都有不同後續而再度發光發熱,這首"El Bimbo"帶著熱帶小鼓的節奏和如精靈般跳躍地電子琴展開悅耳的序章,然後是一層一層如同波浪般的小提琴悠揚響起,只能用如癡如醉來形容聆賞這場演奏盛會的感覺,當我們看到松隆子那麼深愛著木村拓哉哼著"El Bimbo"變著魔術時,怎會忍得住而不去再找出日劇【戀愛世紀】來重溫一遍呢?當我們看到樂團每個平凡到不行的中年大叔各司其職地把曲子像表演舞台劇一般戲劇化地發揮到極點,怎能不為所謂「淋漓盡致」而深深感動?於是,當我們下次再聽到這首「橄欖項鍊」時就不會再那麼覺得普通了......
el bimbo is a clown
and children love to see him play
and when the circus comes to town
they crowd around him every day
el bimbo’s never down
he never seems to have a care
but even though he tries to hide
the tears inside, i see them there
he kisses everyone, then runs away
but i can see how much he wished each kiss was real
and love had come, yes, love had come to stay
el bimbo stay with me
i knew a man who’s just like you
who loved me for one lovely day
then went away when love was through
why run away from love my painted friend
for love is all we’ll ever have, we’ll never have
the chance to love, the chance to love again
el bimbo if you go
you’ll just be on your own again
and i don’t want a man like you to ever be alone again
for once my little clown, oh please don’t run
or i’ll remember just a clown who came to town
and left a thousand broken hearts
and mine was one, yes mine was one
la la laa…
A面~第1首 ~ 波爾瑪麗亞1975年專輯