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卓別林的無聲電影百看不厭,然而他的作曲能力竟然也是出類拔萃,看似信手拈來,其實簡單雋永,讓人可以浮現腦海終生難忘的,"Smile","This is my song"都是我喜歡極了的曲子,分別出現在他的電影【摩登時代】【香港女伯爵】,卓別林的原曲多半著重在小提琴獨奏出一種孤寂感傷,而法國指揮家波爾瑪麗亞在管弦方面更交織演奏出小提琴中提琴大提琴前中後不同層次出現的場面,極為悅耳,在很多時候,這些逝去的大師們留下的音符或影像,都成了後世繼續前進的美好力量。



Paul Mauriat  


Petula Clark~This Is My Song(英2版)  

Petula Clark~C'est ma chanson(法) 

Petula Clark~Love,So Heisst Mein Song(德)  

Petula Clark~Cara Felicità(義)  

Petula Clark~This Is My Song(英1版)  






Why is my heart so light?
Why are the stars so bright?
Why is the sky so blue
Since the hour I met you?

Flowers are smiling bright
Smiling for our delight
Smiling so tenderly
For all the world, you and me 

I know why the world is smiling
Smiling so tenderly
It hears the same old story
Through all eternity 

Love, this is my song
Here is a song, a serenade to you
The world cannot be wrong
If in this world there is you 

I care not what the world may say
Without your love there is no day
So, love, this is my song
Here is a song, a serenade to you  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  


































1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur   

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur   1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur    

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  

1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  


1967【This Is My Song】Paul Maur  











17:30 ~ 波爾瑪麗亞1967年專輯  


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