
1977【Lost Without Your Love】Da    





Lost Without Your Love 

Lost and all alone 迷失和孤獨  
I always thought that I could make it on my own 我一直以為我可以獨自撐過來  

Since you left I hardly make it through the day 自從你離開後我一天都熬不過來  
My tears get in the way 我的眼淚擋住了視線  
And I need you back to stay 我多麼想要你回來並且留下  

I wander through the night 我在夜裡徘徊  
And search the world to find 找遍世界為了發現 

the words to make it right 找到它真正的意義  
All I want is just the way it used to be 我想要的只是它曾經的樣子
With you here close to me 有你在我身邊
I've got to make you see 我必須讓你看到

That I'm lost without your love 沒有你的愛我會迷失 
Life without you isn't worth the trouble of 沒有你的生活不值得為之打轉
I'm as helpless as a ship without a wheel 我像沒有輪舵的船一樣無助
A touch without a feel 沒有感覺的觸摸
I can't believe it's real... 我不敢相信這是真的...

And someday soon I'll wake 不久的有一天我會醒來
And find my heart won't have to break 然後會發現其實我的心沒有必要破碎  

Yes I'm lost without your love 是的,沒有你的愛我整個人迷失了  
Life without you isn't worth the trouble of 沒有你的生活不值得為之煩惱
All I want is just the way it used to be 我想要的只是它曾經的樣子
I need you here with me 我需要你在我身邊
Oh darling can't you see... 哦,親愛的,你難道看不出來……
If we had love before 如果我們曾經愛過  

We can have it back once more 我們勢必可以再次擁有彼此  







1977【Lost Without Your Love】Da  

1977【Lost Without Your Love】Da  

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1977【Lost Without Your Love】Da  




    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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