
1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar    


還記得青春年紀時我們常常會在同學家舉辦小型舞會,會跳舞的就像約翰屈伏塔一樣跳快舞,不會跳舞的就慢慢等著偶爾跳些慢舞,那個單純又歡情的遙遠時光至今難忘,這首1979年的 "I'm Ready" 往往前奏一響起時,我們這群不會跳舞的就蜂擁而上找到舞伴難得滑入舞池在霓虹燈轉動閃耀下覺得自己也是屬於那個迪斯可年代的,從來沒有缺席。這首曲子是1965年由原唱Barbara Mason在她十八歲時所創作的,當時她稚嫩的聲音演唱這首歌時立刻奪得排行榜亞軍,她那種靈魂唱法很是獨特,然而多年後被翻唱時誰也沒想到是採男女對唱,而且充滿了兩性此起彼落近乎呻吟的呢喃聲音,更上一層樓的再度翻紅掀起轟動,勇奪告示牌成人排行榜冠軍,主唱Teri DeSarioK.C.在舞台上眉來眼去的不時磨蹭,曖昧又養眼,替這首歌憑添了無比畫面,我不知道原來歌是可以這樣露骨地唱的,好吧,雖然有點空洞,但是氛圍還是好的,愛到如此直接時,再怎麼唱都是隔靴搔癢了,美好時光總是兩情相悅,想像一下在舞池擁舞的兩個陌生人轉著轉著跳到這首曲子時,會不會尷尬一笑呢......





I'm Reday評論  


Teri DeSario & K.C.  


Barbara Mason  


I don't even know how to love you 我甚至不知道如何愛你 
Just the way you want me to 就如你所希望的那樣 
But I'm ready (ready) to learn(to learn) 但我已經準備好(準備)去學習(去學習) 
Yes, I'm ready (ready)to learn(to learn) 是的,我已經準備好(準備)去學習(去學習) 

To fall in love, To fall in love, To fall in love with you 墜入愛河...... 和你墜入愛河 

I don't even know how to hold your hand 我甚至不知道如何握住你的手 
Just to make you understand 只是為了讓你明白 

But I'm ready (ready) to learn(to learn) 但我已經準備好(準備)去學習(去學習) 
Yes, I'm ready(ready) to learn(to learn) 是的,我準備好學習了 
To hold your hand 想要握住你的手 
Make you understand 讓你明白 
To hold your hand right now 此刻握住你的手 

I don't even know how to kiss your lips 我甚至不知道如何親吻你的嘴唇 
At a moment like this 在這樣的時刻 

Ohhh..But I'm gonna learn how to do 噢..但我要學習怎麼做 
All the things you want me to 所有你想要我做的事情 
Are you ready? (Yes, I'm ready) 你準備好了嗎? (是的,我準備好了) 
Are you ready? (Yes, I'm ready) 你準備好了嗎? (是的,我準備好了) 

To fall in love, To fall in love, To fall in love with you 墜入愛河......  和你墜入愛河 

 Are you ready? (Yes, I'm ready)
Are you ready? (Yes, I'm ready)
Are you ready? (Yes, I'm ready)
Are you ready? 

To love you (hold you) 愛你(抱緊你)  
Kiss you (want you) 吻你(想要你) 
To squeeze you (need you) 擠壓你(需要你)  

Oh, I'm ready ( Oh I'm ready) 
yes I'm ready ( Oh I'm ready) 

Oh, to love you (need you) 

Kiss you (want you) 
To squeeze you (touch you) 
take you 帶你走 

Oh, I'm ready ( yes I'm ready)
yes I'm ready ( Oh I'm ready)
To love you (want you)
Kiss you (need you)
To squeeze you (hold you)
Oh, (Oh) I'm ready (yes I'm ready)  


1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar   

1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar  





















1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar 1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar 1979【Yes, I'm Ready】Teri DeSar 

    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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