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這位1940年18歲就出道至今仍然活躍在世的骨董級樂手,他的小喇叭真的是聽過難忘魔力無限,他就是雷安東尼。這首"I Had the Craziest Dream"我做了一個最瘋狂的夢~出自1942年美國福斯電影公司出品的電影【洛磯山脈的春天】裡的主題曲,在電影中的字幕片頭和第17分鐘到21分鐘出現,是由頂尖樂手哈利詹姆斯吹奏和名牌樂隊之聲海倫福雷斯特演唱的,那個版本當時就已不可一世了,而雷安東尼1956年再來演奏一次時我覺得更上一層樓,超級悅耳韻味萬千。後來很多有名歌手都曾翻唱,我最喜歡的還是雷安東尼的演奏,悠揚又有層次,而海倫福雷斯特的歌聲,則是獨一無二的嫵媚動人,像是當面跟人呢喃一般沒有距離充滿溫度,總覺得那個年代搞樂團的弄唱歌的都有故事都有滄桑都有一籮筐美好的歷史和醉人的往事,而留下的就是百聽不厭的音樂和歷久彌新的時光。


Ray Anthony  



Harry James & Helen Forrest  

Helen Forrest  


In a dream the strangest and the oddest things appear 在夢裡,最奇怪最詭異的事情出現 
And what insane and silly things we do 我們做了多麼瘋狂和愚蠢的事 

Here is what I see before me, vividly and clear 一切就在我眼前,生動而清晰 
As I recall it, you were in it, too 我記得,你也在其中 
I had the craziest dream last night, yes I did 昨晚我做了一個最瘋狂的夢,是的,我確實做了   
I never dreamt it could be 我做夢也沒想到會是這樣 
Yet there you were, in love with me 然而你就在眼前,這樣愛著我 

I found your lips close to mine so I kissed you 我發現你的嘴唇靠近我的,然後我就吻了你 
And you didn't mind it at all 而你一點也不介意 
When I'm awake such a break never happens 當我醒著的時候,這樣的美好是不可能發生的 
How long can a girl go on dreaming 一個女孩能做夢多久?
If there's a chance that you care 如果有那個機會你在乎一下 

Then, please, say you do, Baby 那麼,請說你願意,寶貝 
Say it and make my craziest dream come true 把它說出來,讓我這瘋狂的夢能夠成真 


1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

雷安東尼相簿   ★雷安東尼與瑪麗蓮夢露  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  


1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】   

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

1956【I Had the Craziest Dream】  

Anita Kerr  

Harry James & Helen Forrest  

Helen Forrest  

Ray Anthony  





















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