
1973【Let Me Be There / If You      



奧莉維亞紐頓瓊(Olivia Newton-John)這位來自澳洲的姑娘來到美國大紅大紫歷久不衰,"Let Me Be There"是她第一首奪得排行榜Top 10(第6名)的歌曲,並且讓她拿到葛萊美最佳鄉村歌手獎一鳴驚人,"If You Love Me, Let Me Know"則是更上一層樓在Billboard排行榜拿到了第2名,Cashbox排行榜拿到了冠軍,兩首歌發行的時間不超過半年,真的是所謂炙手可熱鴻運當頭初來乍到勢不可擋。我和很多人一樣在有段時間都會混淆這兩首歌曲,後來我才發現,原來這兩首歌都有個很特殊的男性低沉嗓音的合聲,一直有著畫龍點睛之妙帶著奇效,Mike Sammes幫她完成了不可思議的創作,另外,這兩首歌都會一直唱到"Let me......Let me......",所以一時分不清楚誰是誰是有原因的,一種可以被原諒的原因。活潑的曲風將原來專唱鄉村歌曲的的奧莉維亞帶到了一種輕快可愛的表演轉型毫不違和,對於愛情的直白更是引領著時代的心聲沒有做作,有時一想到她已離世就覺得有絲傷感,她應該是永遠都在唱歌、都在約翰屈伏塔安迪吉布旁邊唱著情歌的天使女孩,永遠是電影【仙那度的狂熱】裡那個仙女下凡,不會真的轉身永遠離開我們的才對。  

1973【Let Me Be There / If You        



Wherever you go 不管你去哪 
Wherever you may wander in your life 無論你在人生的哪個角落徘徊 

Surely you know 你一定知道 
I always wanna be there 我總是也想在那裡 
Holding you hand 牽著你的手 
And standing by to catch you when you fall 當你跌倒時站在旁邊接住你 
Seeing you through 看著你走過 
In everything you do 在你所做的每一件事中 

Let me be there in your morning 讓我早上時在你那裡 
Let me be there in you night 讓我晚上時也在你那裡 

Let me change whatever's wrong and make it right 讓我改變錯誤並糾正一切 
Let me take you through that wonderland 讓我帶你穿越那個仙境 
That only two can share 只有兩個人可以分享 
All I ask you is let me be there 我只求你讓我在那裡 

Watching you grow 看著你成長 
And going through the changes in your life 並經歷你生活中的變化 

That's how I know 我就是這樣知道的 
I always wanna be there 我總是想在那裡 
Whenever you feel you need a friend to lean on, here I am 每當你覺得需要朋友依靠時,我就在這裡 
Whenever you call, you know I'll be there 每當你打電話時,你知道我會在那裡的 





1973【Let Me Be There / If You     



You came when I was happy in your sunshine 當我感受你像陽光般而快樂時你來了 
I grew to love you more, each passing day 我一天比一天更愛你
Before too long I'd built my world around you 不久之後我就圍繞著你建立了我的世界
And I prayed you'd love enough of me to stay 我祈禱著你有足夠的愛讓我留下來 

If you love me, let me know, if you don't, then let me go 如果你愛我,請告訴我,如果你不愛我,請放我走 
I can't take another minute of the day without you in it 我不能再多花一分鐘而沒有你在身邊了 

If you love me, let it be, if you don't, then set me free 如果你愛我,就隨它實現,如果你不愛我,那就放我自由 
Take the chains away that keep me loving you 拿走困住我不能愛你的鎖鏈 

The arms that open wide to hold me closer 張開雙臂將我抱得更緊 
The hands that run their fingers thru my hair 那些用手指撫過我頭髮的手 

The smile that says, 'Hello, it's good to see you' 微笑彷彿在說:“你好,很高興見到你” 
Anytime I turn around to find you there 每當我轉身發現你就在那裡 

It's this and so much more that makes me love you 正因如此和其他種種以致讓我更愛你 
What else can I do to make you see 我還能做什麼才能讓你看到呢 

You know you have whatever's mine to give you 你知道你擁有我能給你的一切 
But a love affair for one can never be 只是那永遠不可能是一段戀情  

Oh, take the chains away that keep me loving you 喔,快拿走那鎖鏈好讓我愛你吧   



1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You    

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   1973【Let Me Be There / If You   

1973【Let Me Be There / If You   



























1973【Let Me Be There / If You   




    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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