

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ    


每逢年終聖誕接近時都會聽到這首輕快不輸"Jingle Bell Rock"的"Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree",它所洋溢出來的歡樂氣氛是所向無敵的是鋪天蓋地的,布蘭達李(史上唯一同時進入搖滾名人堂、鄉村音樂名人堂並獲葛萊美終身成就獎的女性)在她12歲時就被指名唱這首聖誕歌曲,雖然她也不明白為何,直到她長大成名後這首歌才慢半拍地開始有了存在感起來並隨她紅了半個世紀歷久不衰成了她始料未及的時代標誌。很多人都嘗試翻唱這首歌但都無法蓋過布蘭達李獨一無二的魔音洗腦,也就是說她的版本可能已取得獨家專利別無分號了,我一直很喜歡這首歌的最後一句歌詞"Everyone dancing merrily in the new old fashioned way",想想那個每個人都用自己歡樂而且新穎的老派方式扭動著身子跳著舞的畫面,根本就是打從心底普天同慶的自得其樂啊。  


Brenda Lee  

Rockin' around the Christmas tree 圍著聖誕樹搖擺 
At the Christmas party hop 在聖誕派對上 

Mistletoe hung where you can see 槲寄生掛在你看得到的地方 
Every couple tries to stop 每對情侶都試圖阻止 

Rockin' around the Christmas tree 圍著聖誕樹搖擺 
Let the Christmas spirit ring 讓聖誕氣氛響起 

Later we'll have some pumpkin pie 稍後我們會吃一些南瓜派 
And we'll do some caroling 我們會唱一些頌歌 

You will get a sentimental feeling 你會得到一種感傷的感覺 
When you hear 當你聽到 

Voices singing let's be jolly 歌聲讓我們快樂起來 
Deck the halls with boughs of holly 用冬青樹枝裝飾大廳 

Rockin' around the Christmas tree 圍著聖誕樹搖擺 
Have a happy holiday 祝您假期愉快 

Everyone dancing merrily 大家都在歡快地跳舞 
In the new old-fashioned way以一種新的舊方式 

You will get a sentimental feeling 你會得到一種感傷的感覺 
When you hear 當你聽到 
Voices singing let's be jolly 歌聲讓我們快樂起來 
Deck the halls with boughs of holly 用冬青樹枝裝飾大廳 

Rockin' around the Christmas tree 圍著聖誕樹搖擺 
Have a happy holiday 祝您假期愉快 

Everyone dancing merrily 大家都在歡快地跳舞 
In the new old fashioned way 以一種新的舊方式 

LeAnn Rimes  

Kacey Musgraves  

She & Him  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

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1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  

1958【Rockin' Around The Christ  




















































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