

螢幕擷取畫面 (2093).png     


很小的時候家裡有一堆唱片上面寫著【學生之音/張苹精選】,每張都會有十來首美國告示牌排行榜上的新歌,讓人永遠聽不完,當時的唱片又便宜又什麼歌都有,完全沒有版權的問題,那真是一個一去不復返的美好年代。多年以後我仍記得貝佛莉布瑞默絲這首【別說你不記得了】的旋律,因為它那句負負得正(don't......don't......)文法的句子讓我印象深刻,但總是想不起它的正確歌名,只記得第一句有提到什麼「書桌的角落」,後來手機有一種App是可以靠聲音來找歌的,有一次我對著手機試著哼出這首歌的音樂,結果竟然找到了原曲"Don't Say You Don't Remember",喜出望外,半個世紀前和哥哥姊姊們一起聽唱片的童年時光歷歷在目,有一種說不出來的溫度竄過心底高低起伏......  




We wrote on the corner of the table
'This is the only one that will last
For you, for me, for always, forever was meant for us'
But for us it went by too fast

Don't say you don't remember
I'll never love anyone else
If you say you don't remember
How can I go on living
(How can I go on living)
With myself



When we meet you always call me, 'Baby'
How could it be that you forgot my name?
Before you go, be honest
I belonged to you and believed that you felt the same

Don't say you don't remember
I'll never love anyone else
If you say you don't remember
How can I go on living
(How can I go on living)
With myself  



People never stay the same forever
Somebody always loves a little more
Tonight I need to love you
Together we'll find a way to make tomorrow worth living for

Don't say you don't remember
I'll never love anyone else
If you say you don't remember
How can I go on living
(How can I go on living)
With myself   




螢幕擷取畫面 (2093).png  

螢幕擷取畫面 (2095).png  1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem  

1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem  

1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem  

螢幕擷取畫面 (2092).png  

螢幕擷取畫面 (2094).png  

1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem    

1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem  

1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem  

1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem  

Don't Say You Don't Remember  
















1972【Don't Say You Don't Remem

    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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