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這首曾在電影【終極警探2】中短暫出現的老歌真的是乍聽就迷人,話說布魯斯威利再度於聖誕節上演搶救老婆大人的傳統好戲,這回發生在接機時遇上恐怖份子,他在找尋機場建造藍圖時在不見天日的地下室遇到資深搬運老頭正在放著佩蒂佩姬的唱片自得其樂卻不知地面上機場已被封鎖......,祖母級溫暖的歌聲簡直任何鄉村歌曲都能被 Patti Page 唱成經典,都能被拿來當舞會中場跳慢舞時最棒的選曲,讓所有的老歌都變得有種懷舊的味道,和催眠的藥效,只是我們聽著聽著卻不知道......


If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air
Quaint little villages here and there
(You're sure)You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
(Cape Cod, that old Cape Cod)

If you like the taste of a lobster stew
Served by a window with an ocean view
(You're sure)You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod

Winding roads that seem to beckon you
Miles of green beneath a sky of blue
Church bells chimin' on a Sunday morn
Remind you of the town where you were born

If you spend an evening you'll want to stay
Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod

(aah, aah)

If you spend an evening you'll want to stay (on Cape Cod Bay)
Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod
You're sure to fall in love
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod 















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