
下載 (3).jfif    

不斷重複的呢喃不就是拿不定主意的意思嗎?不就是徬徨不就是迷失不就是愛上了嗎?如果這就是愛那也就認了,因為只有愛上了才會把悲傷過度變成看似無所謂的輕快和愜意,其實那是因為充滿了無力感才變得輕飄飄像吃了迷幻藥徘迴在十字路口只剩等待,到了這個地步更確信那就是徹底沒救的愛不能回頭的愛無法解釋的愛,不用證明、是愛無疑、除了看開、沒有其餘。鼎鼎大名的羅貝塔弗萊克是史上唯一連續兩年勇奪葛萊美獎的女歌手,分別是1973年"The First Time ever I Saw Your Face"(電影【迷霧追魂】主題曲暨排行榜7周冠軍)和1974年"Killing Me Softly with His Song"(排行榜5周冠軍),她的御用搭檔東尼海瑟威Donny Hathaway 話說也是一代才子,只可惜年紀輕輕就因精神分裂自殺身亡,讓他們的合唱只停留在為數不多的幾首歌而已令人唏噓......好聽★★★ 


Where is the love?
You said, you'd give to me
As soon as you were free
Will it ever be?
Where is the love?
You told me that you didn't love him
And you were gonna say, goodbye
But if you really didn't mean it
Why did you have to lie?
Where is the love?
You said, was mine, all mine
Till the end of time
Was it just a lie?
Where is the love?
If you had, had a sudden change of heart
I wish that you would tell me so
Don't leave me hangin' on the promises
You've got to let me know
Oh, how I wish, I never met you
I guess, it must have been my fate
To fall in love with someone else's love
All I can do is wait
That's all I can do, yeah yeah 

    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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