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這首"Sad Eyes"有種標記著我年輕時候位置所在的強烈意味,也就是說,它所帶來的「時間感」根本就是西洋流行歌曲開始大量出現在我生活範圍的 熱點,每當這首歌的前奏旋律響起,不管何時何地,總是能夠莫名喚起我血液裡既熟悉又浮躁的一種 悸動,和那年輕歲月充滿歡情與無憂的林林總總,像是淡入淡出的流動畫面,後頭伴奏著強烈貝斯聲音匆匆地從以前的以前,再度回到眼前一遍又一遍,那不是跑馬燈的概念,而是躲在幽暗戲院裡看到銀幕放映著自己的昨天,看到自己的錯過和無力回天,字字歌詞敲開永遠說不出口的懸念,那種安全感是會讓人短暫落魄和沮喪地不想面對面,但也隨之立即就能滿血復活和充電,我不能擁有一個青春幻滅但我能擁有一首情歌永遠,值得尊敬和紀念,在人生的旅途期待總能不經意再聽到它,在某個陽光照耀的午後街頭遠遠傳來,熟悉又溫暖,真的是能會心一笑啊。 






Looks like it's over, you knew I couldn't stay 看來一切都結束了,你知道我不能留下來 
She's comin' home today 她今天回家了
We had a good thing, I'll miss your sweet love 我們有過一段美好的時光,我會想念你甜蜜的愛情
Why must you look at me that way? 為什麼你一定要這樣看著我?
It's over 一切都結束了 

Sad eyes, turn the other way 悲傷的眼神,轉向另一頭  
I don't want to see you cry 我不想看到你哭泣 
Sad eyes, you knew there'd come a day 悲傷的眼睛,你知道總有一天 
When we would have to say "goodbye" 當我們不得不說“再見”時 
Try to remember the magic that we shared 試著記住我們分享過的魔法  
In time your broken heart will mend 隨著時間的推移,你破碎的心將會癒合 
I never used you, you knew I really cared 我從來沒有利用過你,你知道我真的很在乎
I hate to see it have to end 我討厭看到它必須結束
But it's over 但已經結束了
Sad eyes, turn the other way 悲傷的眼神,轉向另一頭  

I don't want to see you cry 我不想看到你哭泣 
Sad eyes, you knew there'd come a day 悲傷的眼睛,你知道總有一天 
When we would have to say "goodbye" 當我們不得不說“再見”時 
Sad eyes, turn the other way (turn the other way) 悲傷的眼神,轉向另一頭 
I don't want to see you cry (cry, cry, cry) 我不想看到你哭(哭,哭,哭)
Sad eyes, you knew there'd come a day (he-e-e-ey) 悲傷的眼睛,你知道有一天會到來 

When we would have to say "goodbye"  當我們不得不說“再見”時  






1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John  


Since I Felt This Way  

Hey there lonely girl  


1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John  

1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John  

下載 (89).jpg  1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John 

1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John  

1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John  

1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John  

1979【Sad Eyes】Robert John

Robert John全唱片  













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