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很明顯的,克莉斯提合唱團的這首歌是首描寫歸鄉的歌也是首不願打仗的歌,放下槍枝寫在信紙無盡的鄉思點到為止,那不是反戰那什麼是反戰呢?午夜夢迴都是潺潺流水都是少女的的容顏那就是對戰爭的控訴和反對,只有戰爭才會讓人思念讓人珍惜讓人願意放下一切換得恢復原來的尋常,這首我青春時期的熱門歌曲過了半個世紀,至今聽來仍然節奏高昂令人亢奮 ......好聽★★★★★  


So long boy you can take my place got my papers I've got my pay
So pack my bags and I'll be on my way to yellow river
Put my guns down the war is won
Fill my glass high the time has come
I'm going back to the place that I love yellow river
Yellow river yellow river is in my mind and in my eyes
Yellow river yellow river is in my blood it's the place I love
Got no time for explanation got no time to lose
Tomorrow night you'll find me
Sleeping underneath the moon at yellow river
Cannon fire lingers in my mind I'm so glad that I'm still alive
And I've been gone for such a long time from yellow river
I remember the nights were cool I can still see the water pool
And I remember the girl that I knew from yellow river
Yellow river yellow river is in my mind and in my eyes
Yellow river yellow river is in my blood it's the place I love 


Christie    ★Christie   ★Live   ★Live   ★Live

    創作者 張復先 的頭像


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