喬治麥可把一首很久以前40,50年代桃樂絲黛的情歌用一種大型樂團強調樂器特性的風格重現它的另類風華讓人耳目一新也驚喜歡迎,於是原來那麼自戀封閉的情歌變成了爵士味道濃厚的奔放外向,展現了二十世紀末獨有的前衛和華麗,也算是對那舊世代所有美好情愫的回味和致敬 ......好聽★★★★
Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free
So I told a friendly star
The way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why I'm so in love with you
Now I shout it from the highest hill
I even told you the golden dafodill
At least my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret anymore
Now I shout it from the highest hill
I even told you the golden dafodill
At least my heart's an open door
And my secret love's no secret
My secret love's no secret
My secret love's no secret anymore (George Michael)