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"Can't Smile Without You"最早是在1975年由一個叫大衛馬丁的歌者所演唱的近鄉村歌曲版本,隔年1976年專輯"A Kind of Hush"由木匠兄妹合唱團翻唱成非常抒情動人的情歌版本,再隔兩年也就是1978年專輯"Even Now"由貝瑞曼尼洛演唱成了如今全世界最知名的版本。Barry Manilow後發先至,把一首原本有氣無力的小品,演唱成大型樂團伴奏與和聲共鳴雄壯歡樂的版本是最受歡迎的,往後他還經常以此曲在全球巡迴演唱會上與歌迷合唱成為特色,然而我更喜歡的是Carpenters這對兄妹的歌聲,它沒有原唱者幾乎斷氣的虛弱,也沒有後繼者過於激昂的過了頭,凱倫妹妹的聲音如同天使一般令人沉醉癡迷,悠悠淡淡地呢喃出一段芬芳的暗戀與崇拜,就像夏日午後的清風徐徐吹拂著窗簾沒有動靜只有心跳,沒有別人只有想念,在很多場合或電影中,當然貝瑞曼尼洛的歌聲是最讓人興奮雀躍的,但在一個人的時候,木匠的歌聲特別讓人體會到歌曲裡被動的情懷和積極的思念,那種近鄉情怯欲語還休的惆悵,太有滋味太有磁場太有畫面了。



 1976【Can't Smile Without You】C  

Barry Manilow  

1976【Can't Smile Without You】C  

Barry Manilow  



1976【Can't Smile Without You】C  


1976【Can't Smile Without You】C  



1976【Can't Smile Without You】C  

David Martin  



You know I can't smile without you你知道沒有你我無法微笑 
I can't smile without you 沒有了你我無法微笑 
I can't laugh and I can't sing 我無法笑無法歌唱 
I'm finding it hard to do anything我發現自己難以做任何事 
you see I feel sad when you're sad你知道的當你難過的時候我也會感到難過 
I feel glad when you're glad 你高興的時候我就很高興 
if you only knew what I'm going through但願你知道我現在的感受 
I just can't smile without you沒有了你我無法微笑  

you came along just like a song你的出現就像一首歌 
and brighten my day照亮了我的每一天 
who’d of believed that you were part of a dream誰知道呢你是否只是夢的一部分呢 
now it all seems light years away現在看起來好像遙遙無期 
and now you know I can't smile without you現在你明白了吧沒有你我無法微笑 
I can't smile without you沒有了你我無法微笑 
I can't laugh and I can't sing我無法笑無法歌唱 
I'm finding it hard to do anything我發現自己難以做任何事 
you see I feel sad when you’re sad你知道的當你難過的時候我也會感到難過 
I feel glad when you're glad 你高興的時候我就很高興 
if you only knew what I'm going through但願你知道我現在的感受 
I just can't smile 我無法微笑  

now some people say happiness takes so very long to find現在有的人們說幸福需要花很長時間去尋找 
well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me對我而言把對你的愛拋置於腦後是很難的 
and you see I can't smile without you你知道沒有了你我無法微笑 
I can't smile without you沒有你我無法微笑 
I can't laugh and I can't sing 我無法笑無法歌唱 
I'm finding it hard to do anything我發現自己難以做任何事 
you see I feel sad when you're sad你知道的當你難過的時候我也會感到難過 
I feel glad when you're glad 你高興的時候我就很高興 
if you only knew what I'm going through但願你知道我現在的感受 
I just can't smile without you沒有了你我無法微笑





















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